WELCOME to troop 131
- Meetings: Every Tuesday from September to June in the St. Jude's Church parish youth room.
- Every other Tuesday during June, July, and August
- Time: 7pm to 8:30pm
- Place: St. Jude's Church Youth Room (1515 N. Greenville Ave, Allen Texas 75002)
- Scoutmaster: Dave Patton Thomas.d.patton1@gmail.com 254-291-9923
- Committee Chair: Robert Thomas rtct567@gmail.com 203-565-5550
- General Information: info@bsatroop131.org
- Parent Packet: Welcome Packet
- General Scouting information:
- Ages of boys in a Scout Troop are from fifth grade through high school.
- Troop is the name that refers to all of the scouts and adults.
- Our Troop is led by the scouts themselves, they make the decisions on what activities / campouts the Troop as a whole will participate in. The adult leadership is in place to keep the scouts safe and to lend guidance when appropriate.
- The Troop is made up of Patrols:
- Patrols are smaller groups that the boys work in to help each other work on rank advancements and encourage working as a team.
- Scouting ages:
- Scouting is an effective way to help 5th to high school children develop a duty to God and country. Scouting builds character and teaches devotion to God in an environment that provides wholesome fun under the guidance of strong adult role models. Our scouting units provide a wonderful channel to involve youth in the life of Catholic parishes. But you don't have to be Catholic to join our Troop.
- Young people experience Scouting as growth into personal maturity and social responsibility. They learn to assume their role in life with a high degree of commitment, and to care for others who are less fortunate. They develop a strong desire to build a culture of goodwill, respect for the environment and acceptance of duties.